A COLLECTION OF Brilliant minds
Shayla Royals
Oracle Card Reader
Receive guided, personalised, oracle card readings using clairvoyance, clairaudience & clairsentience.
Helen Zee
Fertility, Intimacy & Menstrual Specialist
Creating a future world of conscious families and relationships.
QAC Practitioner
Kristy is a certified Quantum Affirmation Collapse Practitioner.
Sanja Tesic
Relationship Practitioner
A Relationship Catalyst, coaches you to create an abundant relationship firstly with yourself, then your family, partner, friends, and career.
Beverley De La Harpe
Counsellor, Master NLP & Hypnotherapist
These transformational processes will allow you to master your anxieties and turn your destructive behaviours into positive outcomes.
Judith Clarke
Past Life Reader, Superconcious Empowerment Coach & Zone Coach
You're not broken! You don't need to fix yourself in order to transform your reality and create a life you love!
Stuart Naylor
Reiki Healer & Psychic Card Reader
Refusing to succumb to personal battles, Stuart emerged as a renowned Reiki practitioner and Psychic Card Reader. His transformative journey offers healing and insight, available for you as well.
Patricia Walker
Light Discovery Consultant
By tapping into her own source of light, Patricia was able to go from the ordinary to the extraordinary and she can help you discover your own extraordinary energy source too.
England & Scotland
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Ireland & Wales
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Master Coach
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To find out more or to enquire on how to become a Solfeggio Meditation Practitioner for Think and Grow please enquire below
Solfeggio Meditation Practitioner
To find out more or to enquire on how to be a Reiki Master for Think and Grow please enquire below
Reiki Master
Thermodynamics Practitioner
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Coming Soon
Western Australia
Jai is a seasoned guide dedicated to illuminating paths toward clarity, confidence, and joy, serving as a beacon of support in life's often elusive roadmap.
Jai Harvey-Yin
Reiki Master & Mindset Maven
Thermodynamics Practitioner
New South Wales
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Thermodynamics Practitioner
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Thermodynamics Practitioner
South Australia
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We get you and we are here for you!
We Can Help
We are here to help!
We're available to discuss any query you may have.
We look forward to your call.
How to reach us:
+61 08 6364 0371
(during normal business hours)
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Thermodynamics Practitioner
Melbourne Victoria