About us
We're a collection of diverse thinkers and doers. We're on a mission to equip individuals with the know-how to bring about meaningful change in their own lives and further go on to make a positive impact across the globe. Welcome.
This is what you get, how, and why.
The Path
We believe it's our duty to lay the foundation of knowledge. Offering this in the form of multiple paths (mindset, wealth, wellness, relationships) enables you to move freely between them all the while moving in the right direction.
It's one thing to know. But a whole-nother thing to Know-how. We believe 'to know stuff' is a never ending fluid concept. But 'to know-how' is a destination. And it's here we no longer need external motivation to do what we love and love what we do. Life becomes more effortless and simply flows.
Community is in our DNA; we know you can't do it alone because we couldn't. Everything we create is crafted to ensure you won't have to either. We welcome and invite you to join us. Nothing floats our boat more than seeing our graduates achieve extraordinary things.
While we're an educational platform at our core, and even though we host an assortment of on and offline workshops, events, programs, and courses, we're convinced we can't do it without genuine connections. Connecting with the content is how we make the learning stick for you.
Your team
Regular folk just hanging out helping other regular folk achieve extraordinary things.
  • Ray
    Founder/Executive Producer/Educator
  • Antonella
    Health and Mindset Educator
  • Kristy
    Executive Operations
  • Shayne
    E-commerce Operations
  • Dee
    Executive Assistant
  • Joseph
    Elite & Facilitator Coordinator
  • Kenryl
    Business & Events Support Officer
  • Thierry
    Community Facilitator
  • Fab
    Broker & Educator
  • Jon
  • Eamon
    Operations Assistant
  • Zaid
    Motion Graphic Expert
  • Shayla
    Evolve Coordinator
our driver
Community is in our DNA; we know you can't do it alone because we couldn't. Everything we create is crafted to ensure you won't have to either. We sure welcome you to join us. Nothing floats our boat more than seeing our graduates achieve extraordinary things.
Our north star
We believe it's your birthright to have access to the Know-How required to live life with a healthy Mindset, deeply understand your Relationships, feel Wellness in all areas of your life and know what it feels like to experience Financial Wellbeing.
Quantum Physics is the science that explains how conscious thinking and subconscious thinking affect the material world of planets, people, and things.

Neuroplasticity is the term science uses to describe how brains are rewired via information.

Information arrives in two forms, internal and external.

External information influences internal information. External information is a by-product of information you receive reflecting other people's beliefs.

That information is an emergent result of the beliefs of the people who influenced you when your brain was most susceptible..........
Your thoughts can make you sick and can make you well again.
How it works
  • Draw a line in the sand
    Together we run an assessment and uncover patterns, discuss your approach to mindset, self-worth, net-worth, and universal-worth.
  • Draw on past experience
    We identify what's worked. (We keep that) and cross-check your primary values/goals.
  • We map out your new path
    Build a value-aligned path and timeline that's inspiring, comfortable and doable. Assign your projects and first deliverables.
  • We hold you accountable
    We share how we hold you accountable while in pursuit of your new path.
By day, I train athletes preparing for the Olympics. And by night, I train regular folk with regular minds and bodies to do exactly the same. I have a diploma of Medical Nutrition from the University of Notre Dame in England and did my phd in sports psychology at Harvard in the United Stages.