Helen is a certified Intimacy, Relationship & Fertility Practitioner as well as the author of Consciously Conceive Your Baby: The Inner Secrets to Boosting Fertility and Getting Pregnant.

With extensive training and certifications in various disciplines, including tantra bodywork, trauma informed somatic release, fertility and a women's health practitioner, with a Bachelor of Science, Helen brings a unique blend of knowledge and playful inspiration to her work. She bridges our spiritual and science nature into an all encompassing journey of transformation. Helping people create intimate relationships that are passionate, and satisfying that aid transitions at all the stages of life.

Helen was invited to pilot a research program with a leading IVF clinic in Melbourne that saw lifestyle factors like nutrition, exercise and intimacy improve fertility markers resulting in high success rates in pregnancy.

Helen's work includes workshops, private consultations, and retreats. She has birthed a deep calling to unite science with spirit and bring fertility teachings to reproductive issues. Helen previously ran programs at Monash IVF Melbourne, with high success rates resulting in pregnancy.

"I had the liberated pregnancy I desired the second time around, after complications, IVF and hospitalisation with my first" Before starting to try for our second, we took Helen's advice for 5 months prior. This time around, no IVF, no hospitalisation, and no C-section. We thought we were healthy, but this program got us over the line to add to our family. ~ Cat and Doug
Working at a leading IVF Clinic as a Lifestyle Trainer, Helen heard people's biggest gripe was not being seen or heard as a whole person, and their partners even less so. It was as if their life was hijacked. The right information for them was hard to come by. She studied women's hormones and menstrual cycles, as well as intimacy coaching, and eventually, she opened a Fertility Health Studio and authored "Consciously Conceive Your Baby; the Inner Secrets to Boosting your Fertility and Getting Pregnant".

"I was accepted by IVF! Losing the excess weight helped me immensely" Helen's guidance and programs helped me reshape my body. I went from extremely obese to the normal range which meant I was accepted in IVF. Doing the programs with my husband was so supportive. We broke our bad habits and introduced new ones. I feel more confident going into motherhood." ~ Tracey and Wolfgang

Helen supports people to explore deep fulfillment, confidence, and pleasure in their relationships. She also coaches her students in lifestyle changes, hormonal education, infradian cycles (nutrition, exercise, sleep/wake cycle) and intimacy to boost natural fertility and optimize IVF and natural conception rates.

"10 years TTC, 3 prior IVF attempts, twins at 45, it is possible!" "Helen's program and care came at a critical point in my journey. I had exhausted many resources. I kept my hope strong, my will even stronger. The support received brought me to tears. I could count on the wisdom and unwavering support, even in the wobbly times". ~ Judy

Fertility Mentoring - This is a form of support designed to help you set the best foundations for conception and healthy pregnancy or alternative routes to parenthood, and find clarity for the hard questions. Trying to conceive, or trying to enhance future fertility, is a time in life that can be empowering, exciting, scary and intimidating! Together Helen can help you navigate feelings of overwhelm into clarity, and decision pathways that are considerate of your values and wishes.

Enhance Your Body's Natural Fertility - Whether you are on IVF or not. Nutritional deficiencies, exercise, sleep, hormone imbalances and many more borderline health issues can acutely influence fertility, even if you are not experiencing any other serious health symptoms. Together with Helen, you can work on a plan to optimize your lifestyle and make practical changes that have a positive impact on your physical body and reproductive health, such as diet, sleep, and environmental toxins. All consults come with written notes, resources, and a plan that is step-by-step for you to follow. There is also ongoing email support so you can ask questions and get a response in a timely manner to make informed decisions about your journey.


Worldwide, infertility is on the rise. The World Health Organization, which reports statistics on human health conditions like diseases and infertility, has calculated the rate to be 1 in 4 couples.

Many people are suffering globally.

As a scientist and former manufacturer of vaccines, these statistics alarm Helen. They label this issue as pandemic — a worldwide concern.

"This is a fertility health and wellbeing program that goes so much deeper".
"I've learned women's knowledge that I just didn't get from my upbringing. Helen's physiological knowledge has also been so revealing and instructive; there's so much more to learn about our bodies." ~ Sylvie

"7 years TTC, miscarriage at 20 weeks, and pregnant 3 months after working with Helen"
"Helen is amazing at helping people to have their dream child. My husband and I met Helen after I lost my first pregnancy at 20 weeks. Devastated, I read her book and we asked for a private retreat with her in December 2020. I got pregnant 3 months later. My daughter is one year old. We are forever grateful for your guidance, care and love". ~ Thi and Kieu

"The education we didn't think we needed"
"My wife and I didn't think we needed re-education in sexual intimacy in preparation for parenthood. The process, guidance and tuition Helen offered have enabled us to experience more vitality, virility, and deeper connection. Conscious intimacy for conception is now something that I recommend to all my friends… As we are happy to announce we are 16 weeks pregnant!!" ~ Ian and Heather

"What an incredibly delicious adventure to be allowed to travel through waves of pleasure, to meet an edge of pleasure, pause , explore , breathe and allow the pleasure to move to the infinite beyond"
"Wow it was amazing, liberating, I felt we arrived at multiple places of wild expanding expressions of joy of being in and connected to a bounty of sensuality woven with loving kindness. We now have a new language tool to guide our relationship. Thank you Helen" ~ Steve and Maria