When your Root Chakra is out of balance you may experience issues with your adrenal glands, colon, kidneys, bones, muscles, arterial blood that flows through the left chamber of your heart and carries oxygen and nutrients to your body tissue.
This meditation has been produced to help you align and bring into balance, your first energy centre also known as your Root Chakra.
Solfeggio Frequency 396 brings this centre into balance. Solfeggio frequency is sound and can be emitted through music.
The human body vibrates at different levels throughout the body and these vibrations are called frequencies. So, frequencies vibrate and just as magnetism attracts or repels, frequencies act accordingly.
Have you been attracting any of these types of people into your life for some time;
people who say they love you, but you feel you can't trust;
people who love you, but let you down;
people who say they love you, but don't fully support you;
people who say they love you, but you question that?
people who won't commit themselves fully to you;
people who are emotionally shut down;
people who are narcissists;
people who just don't ring your bell.
Well, know this. Your root chakra could be out of alignment.
This is located in the tailbone area at the fundamental base of your spine. It's associated with your grounding, stability, security, balance, and identity.
If your parents or guardians consistently provided you with what your needs were growing up and your experience growing up was one of order, then you would have felt that life was safe and the world was a safe place to be.
On the other hand, if your environment was difficult and your guardians were closed down emotionally to you, or if it was a struggle for you to source the basic needs of life, including your emotional needs from your guardians, then you will have developed a lack of trust.
You may feel insecure, therefore your Root chakra will be out of alignment.
If you have issues with your adrenal glands, colon, kidneys, bones, muscles, then you may want to consider balancing your root chakra. An unbalanced root chakra may also affect your arterial blood which flows through the left chamber of your heart and carries oxygen and nutrients to your body tissue.
Enjoy the ride into the wild frontiers of your subconscious mind.
Ray Behan. 'The Man Who Changed his Brain'
When your Sacral Chakra is out of balance you may experience issues such as bladder problems, or issues with your reproductive organs. It is said that if this centre is underactive, it can result in vaginal cancer, prostate cancer, pelvic disease, gall stones as well as kidney stones.
This meditation has been produced to help you align and bring into balance, your second energy centre also known as your Sacral Chakra.
Solfeggio Frequency 417 brings this centre into balance. Solfeggio frequency is sound and can be emitted through music.
Your Sacral Chakra is the second energy centre which is located 3 inches below your navel, right in the centre of your lower belly.
In your back, it is located in the lumbar spine.
This Chakra is responsible for your feelings and your sexuality. When it is in balance, your feelings will flow freely. You can express yourself without losing emotional control. You are also open to intimacy adding to your sense of passion.
If you tend to be stiff and unemotional, almost statue-like in your approach to life, your Sacral Chakra may be out of balance. You may not be open to connecting with people.
Further, it has executive control of your reproductive systems. By aligning and balancing this centre you will experience an improvement in sexuality and relationships. You will feel a sense of improved emotional control.
This chakra, is also known as the "the sex chakra," "the social chakra," and "the creation chakra."
This energy centre is also connected with your bladder, bowel and lower intestine.
Enjoy the ride into your mind.
Ray Behan. 'The Man Who Changed His Brain'
When your Solar Plexus Chakra out of balance you may experience issues such as digestive problems, diabetes, adrenal organ illness, emotional stress, stomach ulcers and hypoglycaemia.
This meditation has been produced to help you align and bring into balance, your third energy centre also known as your Solar Plexus.
It is located in your abdomen just above your belly button.
Solfeggio Frequency 528 brings this centre into balance. Solfeggio frequency is sound and can be emitted through music.
Located within the area which houses your stomach, it is responsible for your morale, tenacity, determination and your sense of self-esteem.
The solar plexus chakra, like all energy centres, has connections to organs and systems. It is also responsible for your authenticity, your personality and your identity, so your sense of 'self'.
The biggest role this centre plays is its influence on your ego. It's responsible for your determination and your morale.
This energy centre governs your stomach, upper intestines, upper back and upper spine and influences the centres which determine your assertiveness. When it is open, you feel in control and you will have a sense of self-esteem.
When this Chakra is under-active you tend to be passive and indecisive. You could become timid almost allowing others to get in your way too easily. You may have a tendency to give up quickly.
If this Chakra is overactive you may be domineering, angry and probably aggressive.
Enjoy the adventure into the deep crevasses of your brain.
Ray Behan. 'The Man Who Changed His Brain'
When your Heart Chakra is out of balance it can cause cancer, it can also affect the thymus, a gland located between your lungs, responsible for the production of your white blood cells. High blood pressure, heart problems, and circulatory issues can result if this centre is unbalanced. Heart and lung diseases, breast problems, shoulder and upper arm pain are associated with its imbalance.
This meditation has been produced to help you align and bring into balance, your fourth energy centre also known as your heart chakra.
It is located in the centre of your chest just above your heart.
Solfeggio Frequency 639 brings this centre into balance. Solfeggio frequency is sound and can be emitted through music.
The heart chakra, like all energy centres, has connections to organs and systems.
It is responsible for love, kindness and compassion towards others.
It is the centre of spirituality and love, having control of your lungs and your heart while playing a role in blood circulation.
When in balance you are more compassionate friendly and open.
When this energy centre is under-active you will find yourself cold and disconnected.
If this Chakra is overactive you may be smothering people with your love, almost crowding those around you. Those around you might say that you are too intense. You can also become distrustful.
Enjoy the adventure into the depths of your soul.
Ray Behan. 'The Man Who Changed His Brain'
When your Throat Chakra is out of balance you may experience issues such as nervousness, anxiety problems, neck, nose and teeth problems or a sore throat.
This meditation has been produced to help you align and bring into balance, your fifth energy centre also known as your throat chakra.
It is located in the centre of your throat, in the area of the adam's apple.
Solfeggio Frequency 741 brings this centre into balance. Solfeggio frequency is sound and can be emitted through music.
It is your centre of responsibility, having executive control over your communication and your quality of expression.
The throat chakra, like all energy centres, has connections to organs and systems.
Being the centre of communication, it plays a role in the sound you emit, having governance over your creative expression.
The biggest role this centre plays is its influence on your ego. It's responsible for your determination, your tenacity and your morale.
If unbalanced your inspiration can be affected.
When underactive you will find that you are not speaking up for yourself.
If this energy centre is overactive you may be seen as domineering, or as someone who speaks too much.
Let's raise your energy so you can speak with the voice of life.
Ray Behan. 'The Man Who Changed His Brain'
When your Third Eye Chakra is out of balance you may experience issues such as glaucoma where the optic nerve between the eye and the brain are affected. Headaches, neurological problems, pituitary gland issues, or central nervous system problems can also be experienced if the centre is out of balance. You may also have difficulties with your senses or have left eye problems.
This meditation has been produced to help you align and bring into balance, your sixth energy centre also known as your third eye chakra.
This is located between your eyes on your forehead near the centre of your head.
Solfeggio Frequency 852 brings this centre into balance. Solfeggio frequency is sound and can be emitted through music.
This is your perceptive, intuitive, imagination and knowledge centre and is responsible for your ingenuity.
It is the centre of psychic power, perceptiveness and higher intuition. It has a form of control over your pineal gland.
When underactive, you become less decisive looking to others for their opinions on matters involving you and your life, rather than listening to your own intuition.
When it is open, you'll feel in control and you become more intuitive.
When overactive, you will fantasise more.
It's time to connect with that which gave life to the universe.
Ray Behan. 'The Man Who Changed His Brain'
When your Crown Chakra is out of balance you may experience a sense of aimlessness, depression or a feeling of being lonely, the inability to comprehend, as well as exhaustion. Epilepsy, and Right Eye problems, can also be a result of this energy centre being out of balance.
This meditation has been produced to help you align and bring into balance, your seventh energy centre also known as your crown chakra.
Solfeggio Frequency 963 brings this centre into balance. Solfeggio frequency is sound and can be emitted through music.
This centre is located at the very top of your head. It is responsible for your awareness and your intelligence, giving rise to your brilliance. It is a gateway to the 'giver of life'.
Bringing this centre into alignment is known to activate the Pineal Gland.
It affects your brain and nervous system.
This is your perceptive, intuitive, imagination and knowledge centre responsible for your ingenuity.
The crown chakra, like all energy centres, has connections to organs and systems.
When in balance it opens up your spiritual enlightenment and divine consciousness. You will have an unshakeable trust in your inner guidance.
When it is open, you'll feel more aware of yourself, your life and the world around you.
When underactive, you will find yourself ignoring the requirements of life and your body, as you rely more on spirituality.
Ray Behan. 'The Man Who Changed His Brain'
Thanks to quantum physics we now know that everything in the material world is influenced by consciousness.
I call this the "Measurement Calamity'. A thought has a defined frequency, which can be measured. Hence the phrase, the 'Measurement Calamity', because we simply can't figure this whole thing out.
To make sense of this, think of a monkey watching the launch of a space shuttle. The monkey cannot figure out how we can get that shuttle into outer space but that doesn't mean the rocket doesn't reach space.
It's the same thing with humans and quantum physics. We know the science is real but we can't figure it out.
So, you may ask what this means to you. It means that your thoughts are having a direct and equal effect on everything in your life. The quantum field of infinite potential sits passionately waiting for your thoughts and responds accordingly. Therefore, everything that you have in your life is a consequence of your thoughts. Your thoughts form your perceptions. Your perceptions are an emergent quality of your beliefs.
Your beliefs result in your actions and your actions set in place your identity. Your identity is your personality which is displayed by everything that you have and don't have in your life.
Therefore, if you want to change everything about your life so as to bring new and improved opportunities in the shape of better health, an improved relationship, more abundance, you will need to send a message out to the quantum field to allow it to do exactly what it has been doing for your entire life… responding back to your thoughts and perceptions.
This meditation is based on quantum physics and although you may not have an understanding of this science, it's simply doesn't make any difference. Why? Because this guided meditation transmits new information to your old brain in a way that cannot be ignored. Change the information being transmitted to your brain, and you will alter your perceptions, change your beliefs and all of a sudden you have new and improved opportunities and experiences.
Your past education plays no role in the success of this meditation.
Enjoy the journey into your future.
Ray Behan. 'The Man Who Changed His Brain'
In this meditation, you will have an opportunity to take the most dominant negative perceptions you cradle, as well as the accompanying emotions, and hand them over to an energy source that is higher and greater.
This meditation is based on quantum physics and although you may not have any understanding, let me explain that quantum physics is the science that explains how your mind can affect your material world. In other words, thoughts, YOUR thoughts, have an effect on everything in your life. Your thoughts also affect your body, your systems and your organs.
So, if there are segments of this meditation that you don't quite understand, that's ok, just allow your mind to follow where you can. This meditation is easily relatable. By releasing negative emotions, you will unleash the power of your creative brain so that it can better resolve your problems, allowing your mind to focus on your dreams and goals to aspire to something greater.
When you have a thought a chemical is sent to your body as a message so that your body knows what your brain is thinking. When your body receives a chemical it moves in accordance with that chemical message. So chemicals act as emissaries carrying messages to your body. Each cell in your body receives approximately 100,000 messages per second. With 37.2 trillion cells, that is a lot of activity.
If your body never received these messages in the form of chemicals it wouldn't know what to do. Your thoughts, therefore, activate your body's motor centres, and you then move accordingly.
Because your thoughts activate your bodies motor centres instructing its gears and cogs to perform actions, it means that if you are thinking negatively, your body is conforming to these negative instructions. A negative mind means a negative life.
You might agree then, if you can change your thinking, your body will change its actions and move towards the life you'd love to live, and not the one you are pretending to yourself that you are happy with. Generally, you have 90% plus of the same thoughts today that you had yesterday. With 70,000 thoughts every 24 hours while awake or asleep, and with 84,600 seconds in a day, you are having 1.23 thoughts per second, 24/7. You take 20,000 breathes per day, so you have 3.5 thoughts per breath. With all this activity spreading across one quadrillion synapses, that's 1000 trillion, your brain uses most of its hardware to send you messages from the past rather than putting brain energy into new moments in your future. You end up mentally reciting your past than mentally practising your future.
Your brain is much better trained to concentrate on the problems of the past as opposed to aspirations of your future. All of these past negative thoughts become current negative feelings that deactivate a very powerful brain region. You end up using the same old brain region which caused your problems in the first place wondering "why does this keep happening to me", "why am I so stuck". The answer is, you are stuck in that same old brain with what it thinks, are solutions, but which have never served you.
You need to activate your creative brain regions, which contain all the brain hardware required to change your future trajectory.
You need to lose your mind for a new mind.
Positive thinking alone is not the solution.
If negative thoughts produce negative chemicals resulting in negative emotions, which give you negative feelings resulting in a negative life, then amplified thoughts producing heightened emotions will result in you living in an inspired body, resulting in an improved life.
Negative thoughts become hard-wired pathways in a brain region where your long term memories are housed. These are called neural pathways. Most of your beliefs around life, money, relationships, or the world at large, have been impressed or embedded into your brains landscape over time. This process of embedding builds neural pathways of belief.
Now, the brain has an anomaly. It doesn't know the difference between what you are doing, in other words, the actions you are undertaking, or what you are thinking. Whether it's an actual action or just a thought, your brain will perform the same functions. Building chemicals and sending messages through these chemicals to your body, activates your muscle centres, initiating movement. You can literally use this brain anomaly to trick it into believing something. Belief is when your brain performs actions based on your thoughts.
Because your problems are caused mostly by your doubts, if you can convince your brain that your old doubts, that caused your old problems are no more, you can then aspire to something greater. Once you achieve this outcome, as far as your brain is then concerned, there is no more need for doubt.
In this meditation, you will have an opportunity to take your difficulties, and hand them over to a source that is higher, greater and beyond you. This is the moment you will experience a heightened emotion. You will have an opportunity to connect with an intelligence that is connected to a paradigm that exists beyond doubt, beyond human negative emotions, to then hand your difficulties over to it.
Your body is about to experience emotions that it may not have experienced in the past, while at the same time your brain will commence forging new belief channels within.
Thanks to science, which over the past century, is revealing to us the secrets and workings of the universe, you now know, there is an energy channel that connects your brain with your 8th energy centre just above and outside of your head. This is your 8th energy centre. This centre is connected to a field of energy around your body. Your heart also has a field. Your hearts field can be detected almost 2 kilometres from your body. Your field is connected to the field of others.
This connection between people continues beyond. These fields are connected to the field of the earth you walk on. The earths field stretches into space and connects with the field of other planets. Finally, it's now thought that our consciousness lives on in that field, long after we have left the earth. Some call this spirit, some energy. It has several other names.
Let's connect now. Let's hand your problems over to a higher source. It's time to combine classical science, with quantum physics, with biology, with interconnectedness, with spirituality.
Ray Behan. 'The Man Who Changed His Brain'
Science has found a way to teach us more about the functions of the body and especially how chemicals acting as messengers of thoughts affect the body.
When you have a thought, your brain sends a message to the body so that your body can feel what your brain is thinking.
Therefore, while you are thinking, your brain is producing chemicals that directly relate to the thoughts you are having. These chemicals are then sent on a voyage through the bloodstream. The body then acts in accordance with those chemicals and you and I call this movement. Movement is the animation of a chemical. This movement is called action, so your body starts to move in accordance with the emotion of your thought. Literally, thoughts move the body.
This meditation is based on quantum physics and although you may not have any understanding, let me explain that quantum physics is the science that explains how your mind affects your material world. In other words, thoughts, your thoughts, have an effect on everything in your life. Your thoughts also affect your body, your systems, and your organs. So, if there are segments of this meditation that you don't quite understand, that's ok, just allow your mind to follow where you can. This meditation is easily relatable.
To get the best possible effect from this meditation will require you to send messages into certain areas of your body where your biological difficulty exists such as pain, illness, or disease, by laying your consciousness in that area. You can then send healing messages to that area, by sending chemical messages of 'love', wellness' 'inspiration', and so on to different parts of 'you'.
When your body has received a chemical message, which started with a thought, it unwraps the chemical to look at the message contained which the brain has sent, embedded into the chemical.
Once the message is read, a chain of events starts within your body, which then acts in response to the message. Your body is now behaving in harmony with the message. Manageable levels of feel-good chemicals such as oxytocin, produced by the hypothalamus, or serotonin produced in an area in the midline of the brain stem, or healing and repair chemicals such as melatonin, all play a role in supporting your life, adding to your longevity and inspiring your body to live.
So inflated thoughts produce high emotional chemicals. A feeling, therefore, is an emergent quality of a thought producing a chemical. In other words, as you think, you feel.
But your body can overproduce chemicals that cause harm. You can produce a recipe of harmful chemicals just by thinking. When you are angry, your body receives the chemical associated with that parallel thought. Again, as you think, you feel. If you have been experiencing an emotion of low self-worth, you will only feel this emotion as long as your body produces a chemical associated with that thought, even if the thought is beyond your window of awareness. In other words, chemicals are produced even if the thought is not in your conscious brain centre. You have thoughts that you aren't even aware of, but you can feel, ever so subtly.
These chemicals upon entering your body in small doses, pose no harm. However, if these same negative thoughts continue over extended periods of time they can have multiple negative biological effects on your body possibly causing illness and disease. Therefore, your thoughts can result in your illness. If you have been living for extended periods of time with a story in your subconscious mind which creates an undertone of negative perceptions, over time this story becomes a permanent fixture hardwired in your brain. Soon our body becomes emotionally addicted to the same negative thought.
In time, your story becomes your biology.
The question then must be, if thoughts can downgrade our bodies causing illness and sickness, then by altering our thoughts to reshape our perceptions by changing our feelings, can we, in effect, reverse illness or avoid it in the first place? Can a body heal simply by changing perceptions? The body can produce chemicals containing healing qualities to repair cells, organs, and systems.
For example, let's assume you are having a kidney problem. While meditating you can anchor your consciousness onto your limbic brain region and become consciously acquainted with your kidney area, to create an invisible connection between both, as you allow the limbic brain to send messages to the kidneys.
Your body produces 810,000 new cells every second. The new cells, therefore, are born into the same chemical negative environment, and suffer the same fate as the cells they are replacing. By changing this chemical environment, you can give these new cells the opportunity they need to improve your health by altering your internal conditioning.
You produce a brand new liver every 300 to 500 days. Red blood cells are replaced every 120 days. A new you is appearing all the time.
Finally, your eighth energy centre is about 8 inches outside and above the top centre of your head. It is connected to a field of energy around your body. This field of energy connects with other fields, and eventually into the vastness of space. You'll be connecting with this field in the meditation.
Ray Behan. 'The Man Who Changed His Brain'
To help you get the best out of this meditation and out of you, here is a brief explanation.
When your brain experiences new information in the shape of a thought, something it see's, something that is felt, smelt, or is heard, it changes its structure so that you can record the information. It records the information by combining synapses together. This is how your memory is formed.
You can remember because synapses in your brain have forged together. Forging is called neural pathways.
Your brain, therefore, is a bibliography of your past thoughts, events, and experiences.
If over time, a past experience or thought is not brought to the forefront of your mind, your brains 'garbage collectors' will prune away those synapses your brain has been utilising to retain the past experience as a memory.
In other words, you can prune your brain to forget, much like you can prune unwanted branches from a rose bush. This is an adaptive mechanism of the brain and by tapping into this brain-machine through meditation, you can literally restructure important brain regions that subconsciously make bad decisions for you.
For every decision you make in your life, from the mundane to the important, you have a library of opinions for that.
While trying to lose weight for example, you might decide to have a sneaky ice cream.
The moment you start to think about this, you will hear an internal subvocal crowd speaking to you from the depths of your inner deep subconsciousness.
From "it's only one ice cream, it can't hurt",
to "don't do it, you'll get fat"
Your inner voices speak to you, as they go into battle on your behalf. I call this the super subconscious mind.
These opinionated voices sprouting from the depths of your mind, have all been formed from perceptions you have gathered growing up. You develop your perceptions thanks to those who raised you. Your perceptions are responsible for your beliefs.
Therefore, the purpose of your parents, guardians, and teachers in your childhood years was to teach you how to survive, how to dress in the morning, how to hold a knife and fork during mealtime, how to roll your tongue as you speak, how to think and how to believe.
It is these very lessons that form your perceptions. Your perceptions gang together to form your beliefs. Your beliefs determine your actions. Your actions become your habits. And your habits are responsible for everything you have in your life.
Your habits are equally responsible for everything you DON'T HAVE in your life, and this is where the miracle of change can occur.
To awaken is to realise that maybe you are just living out the perceptions of your parents and guardians. In other words, your life is possibly just an extension of their perceptions.
When your beliefs are formed they will always conflict with your imagination.
As soon as your limited beliefs and deflating perceptions were in place all those years ago, your imagination had become indoctrinated. This is what I call "the indoctrination of the imagination".
I call these multiple opinions we harbour, in the form of internal conflicting voices, Complex Conscious Entities, or CCE's. CCE's can be as destructive as they are creative. They generally reside within the depths of our subconscious, unchecked.
Every thought you have produces a chemical that is dispatched to your body to let your body know how your brain is thinking. Once your body receives the chemical your body is now feeling as your brain is thinking. You can call this 'sanity'.
Over time your body can become addicted to a chemical it has been receiving on a regular basis.
When it does, your body will act in accordance with the chemical. That's how your body works. We call these actions, habits.
If somebody hurt you in the past, either physically or emotionally by making you feel afraid, incapable, unloved, weak, misunderstood, neglected, shameful, or useless, the more you continued to think about this, the more you moulded your body to hang on to that memory, emotionally as a feeling.
If you leave these past memorised experiences to roam around your mind as thoughts unchecked, eventually they embed themselves deep into your beliefs, by using synapses to form neural pathways called 'memory'.
These deeply embedded memories soon become your personality. So, personality is a congregation of beliefs embedded as a memory into the geographical landscape of the brain. Even if you were raised in a loving family, but were made to feel at that time that, you didn't do things right, that you weren't as good as your older or younger siblings, that you weren't as smart as the kid in the school seat next to you, over time this feedback from your guardians becomes hardwired into your personality. Then, your personality embedded in your perceptions will live out those beliefs, which reflects in your life, until you can declare to the world, "this is me and this is my life". It's right then that you've been introduced to yourself. Your mind is now set.
To prune or unwire these negative perceptions can be achieved through a sense of forgiveness for those who embedded these negative perceptions into your psyche in the first place.
Forgiveness is difficult. However, not forgiving means to cling on eternally, to negative perceptions which are simply destructive to your body, your mind and your life.
Forgiveness though is pointless, at least as far as your negative complex conscious entity (CCE) is concerned. It says "no way, don't do this", unaware that it is adhering to catastrophic emotions.
So, we hang on to our anger, or our low self-worth, believing that we cannot change. These are the very emotions that we carry through our lives which result in our creative brains becoming inactive as the subconscious brain takes the opportunity to take command and control of our lives. We have now lost our mind and our life to negative emotion.
The moment we focus on improving our lives, we will experience the emotion of elation in anticipation of this new aspiration becoming our reality.
But….at the same time, or within moments of that new feeling, we all of a sudden feel uncomfortable, unworthy, doubtful, scared, uncertain or fearful.
We hear "what I fail", "what if people laugh".
So instead of progressing we slide back into the old life, we pretended we wanted to escape.
Now we can feel good about feeling bad.
We can now convince ourselves to be happy about doing nothing.
Any long-term subconscious negative thoughts we own, have been producing chemicals that are dispatched to the body so we can feel negative. These harmful chemicals cause the body to suffer and we call this suffering 'illness or disease'.
We have a choice then. We can carry these negative emotions to past experiences allowing them continue on their destructive path, or we can unhook from these emotions to send healing chemicals to our body to help our body recover and repair, as well as free up the creative brain required to problem-solve our problems, give life to our dreams and live in the natural currency of life…inspiration.
In this meditation, you have an opportunity to go back to that past event, associated with a person or persons who you feel had a negative impact on your life so that you can unearth what it is that these people took from you….BUT more importantly, the strength characteristics which you were forced to develop to deal with their negativity. In other words, you might discover in this meditation how these people by being negative, actually moulded you to develop your most creative and more self-serving characteristics. I call this 'ownership of a characteristic'.
Once you OWN your characteristics, your perceptions are changed instantly.
Change your perceptions and your actions change automatically.
Change your actions and you have changed your life, in every way possible.
Collapsing the negative viewpoint on past experiences creates wellness in the body and activates the creative brain, for problem-solving and achieving, allowing you to live with drive, enthusiasm and inspiration.
Forgiveness is an opportunity to shed the emotional backpack, the emotional luggage you have been carrying for so many years. Forgiving takes strength, courage, heart and is a display of leadership. It's where you get to release the emotion and get back into the drivers seat of your life.
If emotions are the bi-product of perceptions, and perceptions hold you back, in other words they act as your roadblocks, then by releasing emotions, you release your own roadblocks.
This meditation is based on quantum physics and although you may not have any understanding, let me explain that quantum physics is the science that explains how the mind can affect the material world. In other words, thoughts, your thoughts, have an effect on everything in your life. Your thoughts also affect your body, your systems and your organs.
So, if there are segments of this meditation that you don't quite understand, that's ok, just allow your mind to follow where you can. Most of this meditation is easily relatable.
It's time to prune your past and plough your future.
Ray Behan. 'The Man Who Changed His Brain'
To help you better understand the power of your mind and the science which backs up the fact, that you do indeed have a very powerful mind, I want to quickly remind you that quantum physics is the science that explains how the mind affects the material world.
Further, I want to remind you that frequencies either attract or repel.
Everything in the universe that is in order, is so because the frequency of vibration that creates order gives everything its uniqueness.
For example, a table will vibrate at a different frequency to a sheet of glass. You see it's all down to frequency, in other words, "it's the vibes baby".
So how did our students such as Philippa manifest the home of her dreams against all the odds? How did Susan manifest better health? How did Dave rekindle the relationship with his emotionally distant father, long-departed father?
They achieved their aspirations through a particular style of meditation.
At the end of this short meditation, there is a narration that will help you to give greater effect to this meditation.
Enjoy the journey into your future.
Ray Behan. 'The Man Who Changed His Brain'