Meditation is the moment you can take your mind out of your analytical brain, leaving behind your memorised perceptions of doubt, fear, anger, regret, and failure. With your analytical brain now silent, you have the opportunity to unwire your old limited mind to rewire a new and more creative, authentic, loving, capable mind.

DONALD O HEBB - 'The Organization of Behavior' - 1949
"Neurons that fire together, wire together"

Solfeggio Meditations
When any of your 7 Energy Centres, Chakra's, are out of balance you will notice that it has a detrimental impact on your body and well-being. The art of bringing your Chakra's back into balance through meditation reverses the negative impact on your body and helps with the repair of DNA. The Balanced Mind, Solfeggio Frequency meditations, written and composed by Ray Behan have been designed to do just that. Immerse yourself into these meditations, to feel the balance and harmony restored to your life.

During meditation, the mind enters a state of heightened awareness and tranquility, facilitating the activation of novel, life-enhancing thoughts. This mental state prompts the brain to produce and release a cascade of neurochemicals, some of which may be unfamiliar to the body initially. It's not uncommon for individuals to experience sensations that feel strange or unusual during meditation sessions as a result of these chemical shifts.
As the practice of meditation continues over time, the body gradually adapts to these new neurochemicals, fostering a sense of familiarity and comfort with the altered states of consciousness induced by meditation. In essence, the initial feelings of strangeness or unfamiliarity are part of the body's natural adjustment process to the transformative effects of meditation. With consistent practice, individuals often find that these sensations diminish, replaced instead by a profound sense of inner peace, clarity, and
well-being. In summary, feeling strange during meditation is a normal response to the mind and body adjusting to the influx of new neurochemicals. Embracing these experiences as part of the transformative journey of meditation can lead to profound personal growth and enhanced well-being over time.

When your Root Chakra is out of balance you may experience issues with your adrenal glands, colon, kidneys, bones, muscles, arterial blood that flows through the left chamber of your heart and carries oxygen and nutrients to your body tissue.

This meditation has been produced to help you align and bring into balance, your first energy centre also known as your Root Chakra.

Solfeggio Frequency 396 brings this centre into balance. Solfeggio frequency is sound ........
1st Energy Centre

When your Sacral Chakra is out of balance you may experience issues such as bladder problems, or issues with your reproductive organs. It is said that if this centre is underactive, it can result in vaginal cancer, prostate cancer, pelvic disease, gall stones as well as kidney stones.

This meditation has been produced to help you align and bring into balance, your second energy centre also known as your Sacral Chakra.

Solfeggio Frequency 417 brings this centre into balance. Solfeggio frequency is sound........
2nd Energy Centre

When your Solar Plexus Chakra is out of balance you may experience issues such as digestive problems, diabetes, adrenal organ illness, emotional stress, stomach ulcers and hypoglycaemia.

This meditation has been produced to help you align and bring into balance, your third energy centre also known as your Solar Plexus.

It is located in your abdomen just above your belly button.

Solfeggio Frequency 528 brings this centre into balance......
3rd Energy Centre

When your Heart Chakra is out of balance it can cause cancer, it can also affect the thymus, a gland located between your lungs, responsible for the production of your white blood cells. High blood pressure, heart problems, and circulatory issues can result if this centre is unbalanced. Heart and lung diseases, breast problems, shoulder and upper arm pain are associated with its imbalance.

This meditation has been produced to help you align and bring into balance, your fourth energy centre also known as your heart chakra.

It is located in the centre of your chest just above your.......
4th Energy Centre

When your Throat Chakra is out of balance you may experience issues such as nervousness, anxiety problems, neck, nose and teeth problems or a sore throat.

This meditation has been produced to help you align and bring into balance, your fifth energy centre also known as your throat chakra.

It is located in the centre of your throat, in the area of the adam's apple.

Solfeggio Frequency 741 brings this centre into balance......
5th Energy Centre

When your Third Eye Chakra is out of balance you may experience issues such as glaucoma where the optic nerve between the eye and the brain are affected. Headaches, neurological problems, pituitary gland issues, or central nervous system problems can also be experienced if the centre is out of balance. You may also have difficulties with your senses or have left eye problems.

This meditation has been produced to help you align and bring into balance, your sixth energy centre also known as your........
6th Energy Centre

When your Crown Chakra is out of balance you may experience a sense of aimlessness, depression or a feeling of being lonely, the inability to comprehend, as well as exhaustion. Epilepsy, and Right Eye problems, can also be a result of this energy centre being out of balance.

This meditation has been produced to help you align and bring into balance, your seventh energy centre also known as your crown chakra.

Solfeggio Frequency 963 brings this centre into balance. Solfeggio frequency is sound........
7th Energy Centre

Want all the Meditations?
The Complete Chakra Meditations Suite
Exclusive Members-Only Access to the Complete Chakra Meditations Suite - The Balanced Mind

Root Chakra Meditation 396
Sacral Chakra Meditation 417
Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation 528
Heart Chakra Meditation 639
Throat Chakra Meditation 741
Third Eye Chakra Meditation 852
Crown Chakra Meditation 963
Mindfulness Meditations
Mindfulness Meditation is a form of meditation allowing you to activate the hyper-awareness of your senses and feelings in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Ray Behan has written and composed the following Mindfulness Meditations guiding the meditater and incorporating 'The Spiritalis Breath Method', imagery, and other techniques to relax the body and mind. Immerse yourself in these meditations and you'll soon feel the benefits.
Thanks to quantum physics we now know that everything in the material world is influenced by consciousness.

I call this the "Measurement Calamity'. A thought has a defined frequency, which can be measured. Hence the phrase, the 'Measurement Calamity', because we simply can't figure this whole thing out.

To make sense of this, think of a monkey watching the launch of a space shuttle. The monkey cannot figure out how we can get that shuttle into outer space but that doesn't mean the rocket.......

In this meditation, you will have an opportunity to take the most dominant negative perceptions you cradle, as well as the accompanying emotions, and hand them over to an energy source that is higher and greater.

This meditation is based on quantum physics and although you may not have any understanding, let me explain that quantum physics is the science that explains how your mind can affect your material world. In other words, thoughts, YOUR thoughts, have an effect on everything in your life. Your thoughts also affect your body, your systems and your organs.

So, if there are segments of this meditation.......

This Meditation has been produced to assist you direct energy into certain areas of your body. Where your consciousness goes, energy flows. Think of the big toe on your right foot. Are you aware of it now? Think of it again. Wiggle it. The reason you are aware of the presence of this toe, is because you thought about it, which directed your consciousness to it, which energised the energy in the toe. Thanks to scientific research, we now know that frequencies when directed towards certain cells, can illuminate illness. Energy is expressed in the term 'frequency'. So, frequency describes the movement of energy. When an organ or system in the body is not functioning well, its frequency is out of balance and it lacks the energy required for wellness and sustainability. Therefore, by practicing a guided meditation produced to help you direct energy towards a particular centre, system or organ, you are bringing that system back to optimal balance.

To help you get the best out of this meditation and out of you, here is a brief explanation.

When your brain experiences new information in the shape of a thought, something it see's, something that is felt, smelt, or is heard, it changes its structure so that you can record the information. It records the information by combining synapses together. This is how your memory is formed.

You can remember because synapses in your brain have forged together. Forging is called neural......

To help you better understand the power of your mind and the science which backs up the fact, that you do indeed have a very powerful mind, I want to quickly remind you that quantum physics is the science that explains how the mind affects the material world.

Further, I want to remind you that frequencies either attract or repel.

Everything in the universe that is in order, is so because the frequency of vibration that creates order gives everything its uniqueness.

For example, a table will vibrate at.........

Why not get the whole library?.... Forever!
The Complete Think and Grow Meditation Library
Exclusive Members-Only Access to the Complete Library

Light Up Your Day - Version 1 and 2
Mind to Spirit Meditation
The Healing Mind Meditation
The Forgiving Liberated Mind Meditation
The Manifesting Mind Meditation

The Solfeggio Collection
Solfeggio Root Chakra Meditation 396
Solfeggio Sacral Chakra Meditation 417
Solfeggio Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation 528
Solfeggio Heart Chakra Meditation 639
Solfeggio Throat Chakra Meditation 741
Solfeggio Third Eye Chakra Meditation 852
Solfeggio Crown Chakra Meditation 963