An introduction to generating passive income with
property options.
Webinar Event August xx 6 PM WA time
Avoid the common mistakes everyone makes when starting out.
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Now's the ideal time to consider building a property portfolio.
The current environment is driving homeowners with oversized blocks to cash up. But, lacking the know-how to subdivide prevents many from going ahead.
In this webinar, Ray Behan will share the six success factors he's used to close countless multi-million option properties.

You'll also learn some simple strategies for rapid profits by flipping.

Get the inside scoop on how lucrative the market is.

You'll also hear about the Property Options Program. A personalized educational path to the level of wealth you're comfortable with.

Two of our popular property tools will immediately download following your registration. We figured you might want to get started right away.
Total value: $59
Two Sweet Bonuses
The next RayRex event
Create a targeted live campaign.
Scale your infrastructure with our simple service.
Video Course
How to Improve Your Money and Retire on Your Terms Video Series.
The Property Bible – How to Build a Property Portfolio and Live a Heavenly Life.
This powerful new video series from Ray goes deep into the must have mindset around money and retirement.
You are about to see that property investing has created many millionaires but it needs to be done the right way. Do it right, and you'll love the life you create for you and your family.
Regular price: $29.95
Regular price: $29.95
Property Game Plan 2025
  • Rob Meldrum
    Every single word resonates with truth. I've only listened for an hour and a half but have had to squeeze away tears because I can finally hear truth with integrity.
    Rob Meldrum. Perth. 18th February 2018

  • Vini Gelios
    Just wanted to say a big thanks. It was inspirational, fun, awakening and absolutely brilliant! It stirred every emotion in my body and every light bulb in my brain. Vini Gelios. Adelaide. 8th July 2019
  • Alex Gava
    The connection between the science and spirituality was explained, which I found extraordinary. It was the complete package. The presentations were delivered beautifully and with terrific wit and humour. Alexa Gava.
    Melbourne. 7t May 2019
Help frustrated home owners improve the quality of their life.
Avoid the common mistakes everyone makes when starting out.
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