Property Game Plan 2025
Discover Step by Step How to Generate $60,000 per Year Passive Income from Property and Escape Chaos, Viruses & Downturns!
About the seminar
Art of Negotiating is a business seminar about how to upbuild a strategy of negotiating, deliver confident speech and draw attention to your project. It helps to train oratorical speech, self confidence and competent speech.
The seminar is interesting for:
  • Business owners
    Learn how to communicate with business partners and investors.
  • Directors and top managers
    This seminar will elevate you to a high level in persona behaviour control.
  • Sellers
    Learn how to explain to your team members and find out motivation receptions.
  • Sellers
    How to increase sales using your mastership in conversation.
Main topics of the seminar
  • Good start
    How to choose right style of negotiating to reach best results.
  • Individual Approach
    How to prepare for conversation and be on the same wavelength with an interlocutor.
  • Preparation reciepes
    How to be in best condition and create a straight strategy for successful negotiating.
  • Most often caveats
    Learn about specifics of talking to different kinds of people. Learn specifics of environment or weather influence and psychological specifics.
Speaker Julian Stotch
Business couch, head representative and director of SEISS consulting
Julian Stotch is a head of one of the most famous advertising companies since 2012. Since then the company has grown twice and attracted famous companies like Giushi, Lemonade, Pixels and others. He works as a business coach with many creative teams and gives lections in Bristol National university.
Seminar Program
January, 15 / Tuesday
10:00 – 11:00
Introducrion and acquaintance
11:00 – 12:00
Negotiation stages
Effective preparation for negotiations
13:30 – 14:30
How to come into position during negotiations
14:30 – 17:00
Discussion and questions
What skills you will get after the seminar?
  • Control
    Manipulation control and minimisation of their influence on your decision.
  • Confidence
    This seminar will elevate you to a high level in persona behaviour control.
  • Power
    Learn how to explain to your team members and find out motivation receptions.
  • Influence
    How to increase sales using your mastership in conversation.
Testimonials about the seminar
Registration for the seminar
January 15, Tuesday | 17:00 –19:00
All photo and video materials belong to their owners and are used for demonstration purposes only. Please do not use them in commercial projects.