Our journey into the power of the mind, is equally your journey. Our goal and mission is to teach you not only the 'Law of Attraction', but also the 'Art of Manifestation Through Action'.

Quantum physics affects the unified field or the field of infinite potential, when a clear intention is placed in the field followed by direct action. Therefore, for those who want to manifest more abundance, we produced this course so that not only can you 'talk the talk', but now you can take action and 'walk the walk'.

If you want to become more abundant, there is no point sitting on the couch waiting for the postman to arrive with a cheque, it's better to take action yourself, to magify your abundance. For that reason, we produced this training course so that you have clear intention followed by the equivalent action.
This is a self paced course that incorporates 12 modules, 60 video lessons with resource books and worksheets to compliment the training.
12 Modules
Lifetime access
The price includes full access to the Options Training Program . All materials, workbooks, mentoring and full student support.
Unlimited, lifetime access. Go through the course at your own pace. All content will be available in your member dashboard.
It's online
Study online whenever and wherever.
About this course
In this course, you will learn all you need to know to become an Options agent and how to get into property, without needing any initial investment capital.

The Property Options Training Program teaches our students how to identify properties that have current or future subdivision potential. As the course progresses, you will learn how to sign that property up, on a contract for a period of time, paying only a small fee to the property owner.

No deposits and no borrowings needed.

In the later units of the course, you will become proficient in the art of 'making a deal'. You'll learn how to sell the 'Contract' to a builder or developer for a massive profit, WITHOUT you ever having to buy the property.

The potential earnings possible by learning the skills taught in the course are MASSIVE.
Joining the Options Training Program, for access to:
Training videos
Watch training education videos so you can understand the pathways you need to take to creating Property Options.
Coaching and mentoring
Connect with our team of successful mentors to keep you on track, accountable, inspired, and determined on your journey.
Reach out to achievers, great thinkers, coaches, and mentors who want nothing more than to share their experiences to keep YOU on track.
What you'll learn:
Property Options Training Program
Check your email for immediate access
about your presenter
Meet Ray Behan. Ray is an international speaker with a focus on neuroplasticity, neuroscience, quantum physics, epigenetics and the mind. He is a mindset master who has spent years helping people to 'make the unthinkable real'. Ray learned the art of property investing and trading many years ago, and loves sharing his knowledge.

At 18 Ray met his mentor Paul who hailed from a wealthy and successful property and business family in Dublin. Paul took Ray under his wing and before long Paul had given Ray enough confidence, education and support for him to start to build his own property portfolio. Paul changed Rays life forever.

After 3 years of reeducation and mentoring with Paul, Ray had bought his first investment property. Still living at home with his parents, he was now a landlord at the age of 21. He had bought his first house for cash, and by 22 he had bought his second property, by following the fundamentals of money management, which you will learn at the workshop.
We Can Help
Reach out to our team if you have any queries:
You'll catch us during regular business hours.
+61 08 6364 0371
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm GMT+8
The "Provider" means Ray Behan, Think and Grow Global Education Pty Ltd, its agents, servants, employees, directors, and owners. The "Provider" hereby informs you that the content and material contained in any of its courses, workshops, blogs or programs or any content you may find which has been written, produced, or presented by the "Provider" is purely for illustration and or educational purposes only. Past results are no indication of future outcomes and should not be used for diagnosis or treatment of any condition, disorder, or disease whatsoever. If you are currently being treated or have in the past been treated or are considering in the future being treated by a by a physician or other medical or healthcare consultant or practitioner for any reason including treatment of any condition or disease, you are advised to speak to that consultant before making any changes to your treatment. The "Provider" hereby makes no guarantee that its courses or content achieve any results.
The "Provider' is not a Financial Advisor, Real Estate Agent, Accountant, Practitioner, Legal Practitioner and is not licensed to offer advice, therefore any information is for illustration and or educational purposes only and may only be based on the "Providers" experiences.
Should the need arise and you feel you require Financial, Real Estate, Legal or any other advice, please find a suitable practitioner at your own cost.
Any content or information should not under any circumstance be construed as specific investment, financial or legal advice.
Some of the "Providers" information you may come across may be out dated at the time of the publication and/or may not be accurate, so you must verify any information before you use that information. The "Provider" does not accept any responsibility for any loss or injury that may be suffer as a consequence of its information and if you act on that information.
YOU CANNOT BUY PROPERTY FOR $100 DOWN. To purchase property, you require all the funds to settle on that property meaning you will need to invest your own funds or borrow money from a bank or other financial institution. Property investing at any level is extremely risky.