
The one where the science of self love equals creativity

Scientific research shows, the more we love ourselves, the more creative we become and the more the mind and body want to live.

Now imagine waking up every day and conquering that ‘donkey brain’ that's about to jump your body out of bed, to use the bathroom the same way it has for the past decade, to make breakfast the same way it has always done, and to watch the same morning TV show.
And it’ll get into the same car, to drive the same route to work, to do the same job, to eat the same lunch, to get into the same traffic jam, driving home to the same life, to rush to cook the same dinner.

Then it’s back in front of the TV, to watch the same brain-draining program, to rush to bed, to rush to sleep and wake up the next day just to do it all over again.

Here’s a really cool process to conquer that 'donkey brain' and allow your body to leap out of bed into a new way of being, doing and acting;

Morning love mediation:
  1. Close your eyes;
  2. Think of someone that you truly and dearly love;
  3. Keep that thought and image this until you are overwhelmed with emotion;
  4. Feel in your viscera (stomach) how much you love them;
  5. Now feel how much they love you;
  6. Now feel how important YOU are to them;
  7. Now feel their love for you again;
  8. Now feel how much you are loved;
  9. Now feel how important you are;
  10. Now feel in your stomach how much you are worthy of love;
  11. Now feel an immense emotion of love for your life;
  12. Now allow your body to get out of bed and into a new way of feeling.

2020-08-04 05:16 Mindset