International Speaker and Author on the latest science behind the power of the human mind and its ability to affect the material world
Tilda Publishing
Ray Behan is a speaker on quantum physics, quantum mechanics, biology and is a writer and speaker on quantum phenomena, human consciousness and the 'egoic & biological self'.
He has studied quantum phenomena, biology and cosmic consciousness for many years following some of the greatest educators in the field of human personal development. Ray is an international speaker and has been dazzling audiences on four continents with his unique style of presenting and viewpoint.
In his dedication to his own personal development, he studies topics including consciousness and quantum physics 365 days a year. His research has seen him interview, coach and mentor thousands of people from all walks of life in his search for the answers to why some people are subconsciously addicted to living a lesser than a desired life. He is intrigued by the body-mind connection, the body's addiction to stress and the ability of the brain to cause disease. Understanding the brains ability to heal the body is a passion of his.
He is an author and the main program creator for Think and Grow Education.
Ray didn't come from a privileged background though. Having suffered years of mental abuse at the hands of the Christian Brothers in Dublin Ireland together with an accident at 7-years-old resulting in a serious head injury, then impacted his life for decades. As a consequence, he later developed temporal lobe epilepsy, and was medicated for the condition. Returning to school sometime after the accident, it soon became apparent that his ability to learn and retain information, was seriously affected as a consequence of the accident. He soon became ostracized, and drew the attention of the Christian Brothers who displayed him to other students as an example of 'what it is like to be stupid'.
Ray went on to self-repair the damage to his brain. Today there is no sign of the condition and he now lives medication free. He is 'The Man who Changed his Brain", the title of his next book.
Ray has been dazzling audiences around the world with his unique perspective on mindset and beliefs. Combining quantum phenomena, neurology and biology, he has a unique way of articulating why most people go through life following a set of unconscious subconscious programs, and how to break free from the egoic nature of living a half-lived-life.
Quantum Physics and Consciousness
Thoughts create chemicals which can downgrade the immune system and cause disease. Ray has used his years of experience and research to produce personal development programs to help people undo the years of stress which causes disorder in the body. He is deeply involved in teaching people how to allow the body and mind to activate the natural ability to repair.
Biology, Thoughts and Neurology
Rays understanding of the brain has led him to develop a series of meditations that have audiences shifting their lives in an instant.
In his words, "our brains have been trained to wake up daily and step into the past so that nothing new is waiting for us in the future. We then end up stepping daily in the life of the person we promised ourselves we never wanted to be. Through meditation we can get into the long term memory banks, lodged deep in the 'aged care centre' of the brain and rewire the brain in real time. We can then upgrade the fabric of our lives, by teaching the brain what the better future looks like, and at the same time teach the body what the new future 'feels' like. This is the power of the mind".
I did a little exercise with Ray about unworthiness.... I'm completely mind blown, what an amazing technique... closed my eyes and then BOOM!!!! What the heck, got my eyes open to things I previously did not see in myself, about myself, I'm mind blown... Frank Mendonez. Australia
Attended the sold out event at the Hilton Hotel Dublin along with 300+ others in attendance. Ray is an expert in quantum mechanics and explained the proven and observable science behind positive thought vibrations and powerful effects on the individual. The entire room was transfixed. Ray is an incredibly inspirational speaker, dealing with complex science in extremely clear terms. I have to say it is absolutely mind blowing and with humour. Nessa Jennings. Dublin Ireland. 10th June 2020
Dazzling Audiences Around the World
With His Unique Perspective on Mindset and Beliefs
A gripping event that you could not turn away from!!! So much information that'd I'd never heard of before... A Fantastic Experience. Mark Fernandez. Melbourne. 14th July 2019
An excellent event on Sunday in Perth, very inspiring. As good as any presenters I've seen here and abroad, maybe better! Well done… Peter John Gibbons. Perth.
Ray is an incredibly inspirational speaker, dealing with complex science in extremely clear terms. I have to say it is absolutely mind blowing and with humour. Nessa Jennings. Dublin Ireland. 10th June 2020
Thanks Ray for a fabulous inspirational day I have attended various self-development seminars over the years and I must say it's been one of the best!!! I have recommended you to be our Key Note speaker at our conference in the Gold Coast. Mimi Carbone. Queensland Australia. 6 May 2019
What an amazing day in Dublin yesterday. The information and meditations were powerful and so insightful. Ray all I can say is WOW. Elaine Morgan. Dublin Ireland. 10th June 2019
I first heard Ray Behan at the Melbourne Townhall in 2017. It was a very emotional experience. Amazing. I was totally overwhelmed. Arriving back in Adelaide, I just could not stop talking about Ray and my experience to my husband. Lyn Busuttil. Adelaide.
I attended an amazing event on Sunday 7th July. I was overwhelmed with emotion however I found it to be inspirational & full of positivity, encouragement and so much more… Anna Fragomeni. Melbourne.
Fantastic Event. I'm severely Depressed & have been for many years after a near death experience from a perforated bowel, several losses of loved ones from Suicide including a Beloved 20-year-old Son, culminating in loss of Marriage, Self-Respect, Self-Love, wishing I myself was No longer here!!! I left the Event with HOPE! A definite feeling of lightness! Something I NEVER believed I would feel again!!! Katarhyn O'Brien. Dublin Ireland. 9th July 2019
Every single word resonates with truth. I've only listened for an hour and a half but have had to squeeze away tears because I can finally hear truth with integrity. Rob Meldrum. Perth. 18th February 2018
The connection between the science and spirituality was explained, which I found extraordinary. It was the complete package. The presentations were delivered beautifully and with terrific wit and humour. Alexa Gava. Melbourne. 7th May 2019
Just wanted to say a big thanks. It was inspirational, fun, awakening and absolutely brilliant! It stirred every emotion in my body and every light bulb in my brain. Vini Gelios. Adelaide. 8th July 2019
Such inspirational and captivating workshop absolutely blew my mind. The tools Ray gave us to take away have already begun to change my life. Sheryn Whitfield. Adelaide. 8th July 2019. :)
After years of study and research Ray has developed a mind process which allows a participant to de-active their thinking brain, circumnavigate the analytical brain while stimulating the creative brain. With the creative brain fully alert, and the egoic left brain in sleep mode, he can then assist the participant to access the subconscious mind, to rewire long term limited beliefs. He calls this approach of emotional rewiring, the Quantum Affirmation Collapse 'QAC'.

He has written programs such as 'How to Turn your Imagination into your Destination', 'The Donkey Brain Series', 'How to Lose your Marbles and Live a Passionate Life'. He has co-created workshops such as 'Intensity' – a three-day mind journey, 'Evolve Bali' a 7-day intensive and 'Mindset and Meditation' a two- day workshop that has thrilled thousands worldwide. His latest work is a book called 'The Man Who Changed His Brain' a hand guide to quantum physics, the science that explains how consciousness interacts with matter.
Rays mission is to train others to share his work and processes globally. His next book is called 'The Man Who Changed His Brain' – a Journey into the Wild Frontiers of the Subconscious Mind'.
Quantum Physics
Unified Field