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Hey! I'm Cher
Cher is an experienced Jin Shin Jyutsu Energy Practitioner.

What is Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ)?
JSJ is a non-invasive hands-on healing, releasing tension, by harmonising the energy pathways which feed into our cells. This is a very subtle yet effective Art accessing universal energy, harmonising blocked energy on all levels; mind, body and spirit. Our hands are always available to us so if we know where to put them, we always have the ability to help ourselves and others.

Where did JSJ come from?
JSJ is an ancient healing Art which was revived in the early 1900's in Japan by Master Jiro Murai, who healed himself from a terminal illness. He then passed this innate wisdom to Mary Burmeister in the 1950's, Mary then went on to introduce the Art of JSJ to the United States.

Cher studied under Carlos Gutterres and continued to study under others too and became a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner. Cher has practiced this on herself and her family for the past 15 years. JSJ spoke to her. It was a KNOWING, not a learning, but a KNOWING.

Jin Shin Jyutsu releases tension, which left untreated can cause illness and disease in our bodies. Our body has numerous pathways which at times can become blocked, causing physical pain or discomfort. After a Jin Shin Jyutsu healing those pathways can flow freely again and bring the body back into balance.

Cher has a special interest in helping people with anxiety, depression, insomnia and beating their addictions. Cher has overcame her own battle with addiction.

Cher has since become a Reiki Master whilst connecting with her Jin Shin Jyutsu practice.