HEY! I'm A Gabe

Gabe is an experienced Thermodynamics of Money Practitioner.

After my marriage breakup I looked deep into myself, and I didn't like what I saw. I thought that the breakup was all my fault, and that I wasn't good enough, that I was a broken person. But then, thanks to my personal development work, I was able to look deeper and when I did, I realised that the breakup was nothing to do with me or my unworthiness.

It was more to do with him and the fact that we were no longer meeting each other's needs or compatible with each other. When I saw this, I realised how magnificent that I was. Instead of blaming myself and believing that I wasn't loveable I realised when I did my work that it was more about him and the blame I put on myself was misrepresented.

What I learned from my separation was that I was now in a unique position to be able to take control of my life and my happiness and thanks to the breakup that is exactly what I have done. This breakup gave me resilience and has taught me how to love myself and for the first time in a long I am loving my life and am positive about my future. This has sent me on a completely different trajectory to the future. I can now love myself and I can find the right people who can love me for being me.

I am Gabe Baudinette BCom, CPA, DFP (Bachelor of Commerce, Majoring in Accounting and Finance, Certified Practising Accountant, Diploma in Financial Planning)

Today I want everyone to learn what I learnt:

That there is no failure without success

That there is no pain without gain

That you are no broken you were just misconceiving who you are

My journey of self-discovery allows me to make my life an amazing life.

Thanks to my training and my years of study and my certifications, I am now on a mission to help people achieve financial stability and financial independence, why? because we live in a commercial world and there are rules for people who excel in this commercial world.

For those that don't know the rules, money comes in and goes out faster than it comes in. For those that know the rules, money comes in and less goes out. My passion is to teach people these rules.

thermodynamics of Money PRACTITIONER