• BALI
Stay at a top class location surrounded by water and nature in the manicured gardens of this very special retreat location

Sanur offers no fuss, no noise and no distractions

Allow your body to learn and embrace the knowledge of longevity

Teach your body and mind to live long and well
7 Day Retreat -
19th to 25th October 2023
Check-in 4pm on 18th October
Check-out 9am on 26th October
*All payments must be made in full at least 4 weeks prior to the retreat date.
(Normally $12,150)
Dr Jackie Lau Scientific Officer
Hong Kong Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (HKCeND), Molecular Neuroscience Laboratory, HKUST; Strategic interventionist, Breakthrough specialist, Mindset/Spirituality/Relationship coach; Author.
Darren Hey – Teacher at Permaculture Research Institute of Australia. Health Educator & Natural Lifestyle Consultant.

His belief, through personal experience, is that the supremely intelligent life-force energy can be connected to and worked with in a very physical and tangible way, taking abstract notions of divinity and spirit and grounding them into a very real and living experience in one's own body.

This leads to self-empowerment through physical and emotional healing, to the raising of awareness, but most importantly…to freedom of the heart and mind.

This is everything we need to end our own suffering and suffering on the planet.

May we all learn how to live in love, peace & harmony…
Guest Speaker
A surprise guest speaker with a global following and a global influence,

will join the retreat to offer true inspiration to Evolve.

Antonella Traino is a 'Trained De Martini Facilitator' – Antonella's knowledge in the area of human psychology, is impressive. She will help you identify every mind and body roadblock that stops you from living with healthy inspiration.
Ray Behan - Through his self-education on quantum physics, quantum mechanics, spirituality, neuroscience and biology, Ray has discovered that by reshaping your mindset, you can reshape your life. He knows it's possible because he did it himself.

He will teach you how to tap into the infinite possibilities that exist beyond your current capabilities. Sharing his ground-breaking healing meditation techniques and changing lives across the globe, Ray is a 'Difference-Maker'.
Guest Presenter
Dr Jackie Lau
will be flying in from Hong Kong to join us as one of our presenters and educators .

Dr. Lau is a Neuroscientist (PhD), Strategic interventionist, Breakthrough specialist, Mindset/Spirituality/Relationship coach; Scientific Officer at Hong Kong Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (HKCeND), Molecular Neuroscience Laboratory, HKUST.

"Life, relationship & spirituality coaching transforms your mindset, brings peaceful presence, creates lasting changes towards more inspired meaning and sense of fulfillment", says Dr Lau.
She is co-author of "The Change", with foreword by Les Brown.
Here is a sneak peek.
"What if we have got it the other way round all long? Rather than "effort-ing": to figure out how to attain "self-love", and to seek something that is perceived as outside of ourselves…what if we start "love-ing": to first understand how we have blocked ourselves from recognizing this natural state, and to relax the patterns that hinder connection to our true nature?
How do we tune in and truly see the blocks we have built around our own love?"

Listening to Dr Lau, you will experience insights into how your mind, your emotions and who you were told to be, have determined how you feel about yourself. Dr Lau will bring you on a journey to give your heart permission to speak on your behalf for the first time in a long time. Jackie will help you transform and uncover who you really are.
18th October 2023
Check-in at 4pm
How do I get there?
Once you have arranged your own flights, email us the details. Our Transportation Team will collect you from Denpasar International Airport when you land
18th October 2023 at 7pm
Imagine how you'll feel as you meet your new lifelong friends for the first time AS Birds of a feather always flock together
Because you are an emotional being living a physical experience, this is your opportunity to delve deep into your limbic brain and endocrine system to deactivate the flow of harmful stress chemicals that will result in the entropy of your body.

Once you learn to FEEEEEL this new way, your body will never want you to go back to your old emotional way of living.
A Whole New You in a Whole New Body
Led by a Trained Intimacy Practitioner, discover how you too can become an 'Intimate Communication Master'.

By learning to speak from your heart to express your passion, you will soon discover that intimacy percolates from heart felt communications.

It's then that you will have completely altered your intimate vibration to speak beyond your voice to those who you love and whom you want to love you.

Intimacy and communication are the soul of enhanced relationships.

THEN…..It's time to bring sound to the retreat with the most amazing sound healers.

Learn the immense power behind this ancient Greek practice.
Intimacy & Communication Day
Melatonin is the chemical of healing. At 4am, it is said that melatonin levels are at their peak. During this meditation, slide off the edge of your mind into a deep healing state of existence.

Neurogeneration – With Dr Lau
After a morning of activating your pineal gland, Dr Lau will take you on a journey into your brain to explain how brains degenerate and how you can enhance your neural activity to enhance and strengthen your brain.

The brain is your connection to the unified field. The connection pathway is called 'mind'. When you enhance your brain you enhance your mind.

YOGA – Trained Yoga Practitioners

End this special day with our Trained Yoga Teachers to relax your body in preparation for another awesome day ahead.
Melatonin, Yoga & Neural Activation Day
In preparation for Days 5, 6 and 7, which will be the game-changing-days, it's time to go galactic by sliding deep into your mind.

What do you want to create for yourself, what do you want to heal from, what do you want to change, who do you want to become?

It's time to create your reality by plunging deep into quantum physics to reshape your mind and reshape your life by connecting your mind to the image of a new reality, and then making it real.

As you learn you'll enjoy amazing massages as we unleash our message therapists into the retreat.
Massage and Mind Therapy Day
A day of purposeful education with Ray Behan. Sit and take notes as Ray shares his 25 years of knowledge as you learn to master your mind, body and emotions.

This is deep level stuff. End your day with our massage therapists.
Mastership Day Part 1 – With Ray Behan
Antonella Traino is a 'Trained Demartini Facilitator' – Antonella carries and impressive amount of knowledge into the psychology of people. She will help you identify every mind and body roadblock that stops you from living with healthy inspiration.

End your day with a relaxing massage.
Mastership Day Part 2 – With Antonella Traino
Darren Hey – Teacher at Permaculture Research Institute of Australia. Health Educator & Natural Lifestyle Consultant.

His philosophy outlines a connection between the natural world and our well-being, but most importantly between the living elements and life-force energy that flows through and connects us all.

His belief, through personal experience, is that the supremely intelligent life-force energy can be connected to and worked with in a very physical and tangible way, taking abstract notions of divinity and spirit and grounding them into a very real and living experience in one's own body.

This leads to self-empowerment through physical and emotional healing, to the raising of awareness, but most importantly…to freedom of the heart and mind.
The Earth is a place of beauty.
I believe beauty to be a divine gift, that true connection with, is reflected as art…
Art in living.
I believe in a world of freedom. Free from violence, force and coercion.
I imagine a world where leaders of integrity steer humanity's course towards individual self empowerment, personal happiness, fulfilment and true prosperity for all.
I desire to live in a garden, surrounded by trees and water...on a forested Earth of clean and gentle rains, blue water and blue skies.
The Earth is my home…
25th 6pm till late
Great food, great wine, great music and great company!
Bring your dancing shoes!
26th of October 2023
Birds of a feather, flock together. So, embrace new relationships at Evolve with like-minded inspiring people.
NOTE: Speaker attendance at the retreat may change based on the speakers professional and personal lives. Speakers may not be able to attend if affected by circumstances beyond their control.
NOTE: Schedules may change
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