HEY! I'm cynthia!

Cynthia Sulc is an Accredited Master Practitioner in Neurolinguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy, Hypnotherapy and EMF. She is a highly trained and motivated individual who brings integrity and compassion into her professional practice.

Having had her own traumatic experiences in her past, it has instilled in her a genuine desire to help others work through challenges and limiting beliefs, which she knew is what is holding them back. Through her last 14 years as a Conscious Life Coach, she has demonstrated her ability to help create profound transformation in many people's lives.

Her passion is to empower as many people as possible to find their true purpose, live their fullest potential and achieve their goals.

conscious life coach
Through a combination of Conscious enquiry, utilising her gift of intuition, applying Hypnotic meditative journey, Neurolinguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy, EMF Energy Balancing, Oneness Transmission as well as incorporating Healy Frequencies Therapy, Cynthia found the combination of these powerful methods life changing.

These therapies can be applied to any challenges a person faces. From depression, anxiety, relationship breakdown, low self worth/esteem, unable to stand up for themselves, not having a voice, etc. She also teaches hands-on and practical skills as well as providing information that clients can take away, to continually apply for progressive improvement across the context of their lives.

Cynthia has trained with many highly recognised masters, trainers and sages, both in the transformational and spiritual arena. She embarked on her own journey of personal healing and development about 25 years ago. Since then her life has changed immensely, creating so much more empowerment, happiness, confidence and peace within herself. This has inspired her dedication to help other people create massive changes to their lives.

Being an active person who loves adventure, Cynthia has climbed Mt. Kinabalu, reaching the peak of 16,500 ft, which is the highest mountain in South-East Asia. She loves being out in nature either tracking through the bush or rock climbing. She teaches the art of connecting with nature as part of bringing balance to self. Cynthia is passionate in helping humanity in the shift of consciousness, helping people to be more aware and awake in their everyday life existence.

Cynthia is also a spiritually evolved individual who integrated energy work into her therapy. She also runs Meditation and sound healing events, using crystal singing bowl and Shamanic drums.

Tune into your heart and if what Cynthia represents resonates with you, she would be very happy to work with you.

Cynthia is an experienced Concious Life Coach